Picky eaters are common among toddlers. They have a hard time eating vegetables, certain textures, and even fruit.

There are quite a few things that you can do to help your picky toddler eat healthily. You can introduce them to new foods by slowly adding new textures and tastes to their diet. You can also try spoon-feeding them and giving them smaller portions of the food they like more often.

Do Picky Toddlers Really Need a Food Diary?

The idea behind the food diary is not new. It has been around for about 100 years. The difference between now and then is that there are now so many ways for parents to track their children’s eating habits than in previous years.

The most important thing you need to keep in mind when using the food diary is that it should be used as a tool and not an end-all solution for your child’s eating habits.

Food Ideas for your Picky Toddler

A picky toddler is a demanding and frustrating task. They are not willing to try new things, and they can be particularly difficult to please when it comes to food.

You may be wondering how you can make your picky toddler eat more foods that will help them grow strong and healthy. Here are some foods that you can put on the table for your toddler that will help them explore new tastes without threatening their palate too much:

– Applesauce: This is a great alternative for toddlers who don’t like vegetables or fruit. It also has no added sugar, so you don’t have to worry about any hidden sugars in the sauce.

– Zucchini noodles: These noodles are made from zucchini, which is high in fiber and low in calories but still has a distinctly delicious flavor.

– Fruits like banana and apple: Picky toddlers often have difficulty eating certain foods like vegetables due to their texture. Bananas, apples, and pears have a smooth texture that is easy for a toddler to eat. They can also be blended with other foods like yogurt and milk to make a smoothie or smashed into a puree.

– Mashed Potatoes with gravy: Mashed potatoes with gravy has a lot to offer your toddler in terms of nutrients, taste, and texture. There are also many ways to make mashed potatoes with gravy, like adding cheese, bacon, or chives for extra flavor and texture.

– Baby carrots: Baby carrots are so much fun to eat, and they have a way of making your child become more willing to try new foods. They’re crunchy, and their bright color is enough to make your child want them!

– Spaghetti Squash: Spaghetti squash is a great alternative for your picky toddler because it is a healthy vegetable that can be cooked in a variety of ways. It has a coarse, dry, and meaty texture that is ideal for those picky eaters. It easily blends with any sauce due to its high water content and soft texture.

– Peas and carrots: Peas and carrots are good for your picky toddler because they help them eat more colors in their diet, which is essential for their growth and development.

What Parents Should Do to Help with Picky Eating Habits

It is not easy to raise children who are willing to try new foods or are more adventurous. Here are some of the things that parents can do to help with picky eating habits:

– Providing children with a variety of fruits and vegetables.

– Encouraging children to eat at the table in a family setting, where everyone can sit together and communicate.

– Helping children understand that eating is a social activity.


It may be hard to believe, but a picky toddler is actually quite easy to please. All you need to do is give them a wide variety of healthy foods from which they can choose from. Here are some of the best foods for your picky toddler.

A good first step would be to always have some healthy snacks and drinks on hand. These can include things like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, yogurt, or protein shakes. By always keeping these items around your house, you will make it much easier for your child to make their own choices and get used to eating well.

Another great idea would be making sure that there are plenty of options available at mealtimes as well as snacks so that your child doesn’t get bored with the same old thing every day.

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